Meet the invincible, lovable, loyal, smart, adorable, snuggly Paisley!
This 2.5-year-old, 19 lb Terrier mix is a special girl who will love you fiercely and never leave your side. She loves her walks and never pulls on her leash. She is a determined girl who is up for any adventure. Paisley is clearly very smart and has learned new commands quickly. She wants to please and has some pretty cute tricks in her repertoire. She loves her toys and stuffies.
But no one is perfect, and Paisley has some pretty big struggles as well. She acts reactively when she meets new people and doesn’t like being around a lot of people at once. She will bark and snarl in quite an intimidating way. Paisley has improved over the past month, and is gaining confidence. We can hope that with the right love and support and training she may learn to control this reactivity. There are never any guarantees.
You will have to be prepared for all new meetings being difficult and needing control and supervision, and for Paisley just being too scary for some people to handle at all. Without fail when meeting new people, as scary as she is at first, Paisley has calmed down and within just a few minutes is happy and loving and wagging her tail, and the next time she sees this person she will remember that they are a friend. But those first meetings are tough.
Paisley doesn’t like being left behind at home and needs to be left in a safe place. She also doesn’t like being left behind in a car. She really, really doesn’t like the vet (and who can blame her, as she’s had two operations in less than a month). Paisley is fully house-trained. She is a great sleeper and trots right into her kennel when it is bedtime, and never wakes during the night. She eats whatever you put in front of her. Paisley will likely be best in a home where she is the only dog, as she wants all your attention and love and can get jealous when another dog is getting between you and her.
Although she is quite good with cats and one of my cats has become her best friend, she also has figured out that it is a really fun game when they run away and she happily races after them, which they don’t necessarily like. As Paisley is still learning to love everyone, she would do best in a detached home and not an apartment. You’ll need to meet Paisley to know if she’s the right fit for you and your lifestyle. If she is, you’ll have so much love and laughter and fun with this fabulous sweetie!
If interested in meeting Paisley, please fill out an application!
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